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Miwa Kaneko Personal Stylist Client Testimonials

Stories From

My Customers.

We have the power to rewrite our stories.


There are many stories in our lives and some don’t serve us.


Those stories we tell ourselves have impacts on how we dress and often are influenced by:


  • Social norms

  • Media

  • Outdated stereotypes


The good news is, we can rewrite those stories that no longer serve us.


Yet, you still need to dress presentable in order for people to trust you as whatever role you’re playing in society.


We rewrite our style stories by finding the balance between how you naturally want to dress and the expectations tied to our roles in society.

Takako's Story

Prior to my 90 minute consultation I was looking forward to find out what kind of fashion advice I would receive as I never had my personal styling consultation before.


I have learned about my style and styling techniques more than I imagined during the consultation. Now I feel more confident about the way I dress.

I had the consultation during my life-stage transition and it gave me hope to start a new chapter.

Michiyo's Story

I used to keep on buying very similar clothes when I went shopping by myself but

shopping with Miwa was fun and I was very happy with the items I purchased. The parka and the V-neck sweater are now my wardrobe staples.


Shopping was never a delight for me but I enjoyed it with Miwa because she explained some styling techniques and the benefits of the products which helped me look forward to dress myself in a stylish way.


The cosmetic orthotic, Legi is a great recommendation. It is comfortable to wear and you can wear whenever you want.

Chika's Story

During my personal styling session with Miwa, she explained the styling technics in a very easy manner by using many photos as visual aids.


The examples of outfit she gave me inspired to try clothes I have been avoiding because I did not think they suit me or too difficult to coordinate.


The session was very valuable experience to get out of my style rut and explore outfits I had never tried before while keeping my style. 


I will definitely start wearing more of bold colours confidently!

Michi's Story

Working with Miwa was fun and helped me explore the ways to coordinate clothes I had never thought of. Now I enjoy wearing the clothes I didn’t know what to wear with before and my wardrobe is fully functioning. 


The items she suggested to add to my wardrobe were perfect, they were in line with my style vision.


I liked the way she encouraged me to keep on wearing what I like and I will take on board the styling tips she gave me when shopping in future.

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